Chat Gpt VS Bard #1 : Generating a lesson plan to teach college students

4 min readMay 13, 2023



Prompt: Please make a lesson plan to teach college students about sampling distribution. Reply in English.

Sure, here is a lesson plan to teach college students about sampling distribution:

**Lesson Plan**

**Subject:** Sampling Distribution

**Grade Level:** College

**Time:** 50 minutes


* Define sampling distribution and explain how it is used in statistics.
* Describe the central limit theorem and its implications for sampling distributions.
* Calculate the mean and standard deviation of a sampling distribution.
* Use a sampling distribution to make inferences about a population.


* Whiteboard or projector
* Markers or pens
* Handouts on sampling distribution (optional)


1. **Introduction**

* Begin by asking students what they know about sampling distribution.
* Explain that sampling distribution is the probability distribution of a statistic, such as the sample mean, when samples are taken from a population.
* Point out that sampling distributions are used in statistics to make inferences about populations.

2. **Central Limit Theorem**

* Next, introduce the central limit theorem.
* Explain that the central limit theorem states that the sampling distribution of a statistic will be approximately normal, as long as the sample size is large enough.
* Discuss the implications of the central limit theorem for sampling distributions.

3. **Mean and Standard Deviation of Sampling Distribution**

* Now, show students how to calculate the mean and standard deviation of a sampling distribution.
* Explain that the mean of the sampling distribution is equal to the mean of the population.
* Point out that the standard deviation of the sampling distribution is smaller than the standard deviation of the population.

4. **Inferences about Populations**

* Finally, show students how to use a sampling distribution to make inferences about a population.
* Explain that the sampling distribution can be used to calculate the probability of observing a particular value of the statistic.
* Point out that this information can be used to make inferences about the population.


* To assess students' understanding of sampling distribution, you can give them a quiz or ask them to complete a homework assignment.


* For students who are struggling with the concept of sampling distribution, you can provide them with additional support.
* You can do this by providing them with more examples or by working with them individually.


* For students who are ready for a challenge, you can have them explore more advanced topics related to sampling distribution.
* Some topics that you could explore include:

* The effect of sample size on the shape of the sampling distribution
* The effect of non-normality on the sampling distribution
* The use of sampling distributions to conduct hypothesis tests


* Sampling distribution is a fundamental concept in statistics.
* By understanding sampling distribution, students can make more informed inferences about populations.

Chat Gpt

Prompt: Please make a lesson plan to teach college students about sampling distribution. Reply in English.

Sure, here's a sample lesson plan to teach college students about sampling distribution:

Title: Introduction to Sampling Distribution

- Define sampling distribution and its importance in inferential statistics
- Explain the central limit theorem and its relationship to sampling distribution
- Understand the characteristics of sampling distribution, such as mean and standard deviation
- Use simulation tools to visualize and analyze sampling distribution
- Apply different sampling techniques, including simple random sampling, systematic sampling, and stratified sampling

- Deck of cards (with a known bimodal distribution)
- Online simulation tool
- Whiteboard and markers
- Handouts and worksheets


1. Motivation (5 minutes):
- Ask students if they've heard of sampling distribution before, and if they know its importance in statistics
- Provide real-world examples where sampling distribution is used, such as political polls or quality control in manufacturing

2. Introduction (10 minutes):
- Define sampling distribution as the distribution of sample statistics (such as mean and standard deviation) based on repeated random samples of a fixed size from a population
- Explain the central limit theorem and its role in determining the shape of sampling distribution
- Use a whiteboard to draw and visualize the concept of sampling distribution and its characteristics

3. Sample Techniques (15 minutes):
- Introduce different sampling techniques, such as simple random sampling, systematic sampling, and stratified sampling
- Provide examples and demonstrate each technique using a random sample of students in the classroom

4. Simulation (20 minutes):
- Use an online simulation tool to show students how to construct sampling distribution from different populations and sample sizes
- Conduct a hands-on activity using a deck of cards to illustrate the concept of sampling distribution and its relationship to the population distribution
- Have students work in pairs or small groups to analyze and interpret the simulation results

5. Assessment (10 minutes):
- Distribute handouts and worksheets to assess students' understanding of sampling distribution and its characteristics
- Provide feedback and answer any questions that students may have

6. Conclusion (5 minutes):
- Recap the main points covered in the lesson
- Encourage students to apply the concepts learned in the lesson to real-world situations

[1] (2020). Review of the Literature on Teaching Sampling Distributions. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 May 2023].
[2] (n.d.). Sampling Distributions Lesson/ [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 May 2023].
[3] Nagwa. (n.d.). Sampling Techniques | High School Statistics and Probability | Math | Video | Nagwa. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 May 2023].



